Joomla! 3.6.5 Released, ready for update now!

Joomla! 3.6.5 is now available. This is a security release for the 3.x series of Joomla! which addresses three security vulnerabilities, miscellaneous security hardening and three bug fixes; no further changes have been made compared to the Joomla! 3.6.4 release. We strongly recommend that you update your sites. What’s in 3.6.5 Version 3.6.5 is released […]

How To Uninstall Extensions From Joomla!

Have You Known How To Uninstall Extensions Yet? It’s so easy to Uninstall Extensions from Joomla, if you want to remove components, modules and plugins from your Joomla site, then the first thing you need to do is to go to Extensions -> Extension Manager after accessing your admin panel. Next, you click on the […]

Joomla! 3.6.4 Released

Joomla! 3.6.4 is now available. This is a security release for the 3.x series of Joomla! which addresses three critical security vulnerabilities and a bug fix for two-factor authentication. We strongly recommend that you update your sites immediately. This release only contains the security fixes and bug fix; no other changes have been made compared […]

How To Create Joomla 3 Backup

Learn How To Create Joomla 3 Backup In this post, we show you how to create Joomla 3 Backup manually, because there are many bad thing that could happen yo your website, such as, an extension can malfunction, some of your code can break or even your website get hacked. So creating a Joomla backup is […]

Joomla! 3.6.3 Released!

Joomla! 3.6.3 is now available. This is a bug fix release for the 3.x series of Joomla. This release fixes a Backwards Compatibility Break we made in 3.6.2 with the article ordering. In addition there are a large number of minor improvements and bug fixes. What’s in 3.6.3 Joomla! 3.6.3 comes with more than 350 […]

How To Install Joomla Extensions To Your Site

Install Joomla Extensions To Your Site After installing Joomla you already have a website with basic features. However, if you want to customize or add functionality to your website, you can install additional extensions. This article will guide you through the most detailed way, help you install Joomla extensions fastest. The first thing you need to do […]

Building A Website With Joomla

Building A Website With Joomla Joomla is an open source platform which enables you to build websites and powerful online applications. Many remarkable features, including its ease-of-use and extensibility, have made Joomla! become one of the most popular website software available. In this post, we will show you step by step building a website with Joomla 3 – the latest […]

How To Use Components To Create Complex Pages

Create Complex Pages Using Components As you know, Joomla 3 is the latest version of Joomla!. Joomla 3 comes with a few preinstalled components that allow you to create special page types: Contacts, Newsfeeds, Search, Smart Search and Web links. Today we show you how to Components to create Complex Pages? Just follow the instructions below: 1.Creating […]

How To Log In Joomla 3 Administrator

Learn How To Log In Joomla 3 Administrator Friends! in previous article, we guided you how to install Joomla, and today, we continue learning how to log in Joomla 3. In this post, we guide you how to access the administration login form for your Joomla 3 and what to do if you forget your login information. 1.Log […]

How to Add Banners to Joomla 3 Websites

Friends! Today, we show you How To Add Banners to Joomla 3 Websites just some steps. By default, Joomla 3 comes with a component for managing banners that you can add different banners, organise them into categories and display them in different places on your website. To add banner  to Joomla 3, follow these steps: […]

How to Create and Manage Categories

Categories for articles are created in order to allow you to group your content better. If you have different types of pages on your website, you should assign it to a category in order to manage them easier. Article categories can be managed through the Content manager Today, we show you how to Create and […]

How To Use Components To Create Complex Pages

How To Use Components To Create Complex Pages As you know, Joomla 3 is the latest version of Joomla! Joomla 3 comes with a few preinstalled components that allow you to create special page types: Contacts, Newsfeeds, Search, Smart Search and Web links. So, how to Components to create Complex Pages? Follow the instructions below: […]

How To Create An Article With Joomla

As you know, Joomla is an open source platform which enables you to build websites and powerful online applications. It’s also one of the most popular Content Management System (CMS).  Now, we will show you how to create an article with Joomla, one of thing to be done to create a Joomla website. Step 1: Click on Add New […]