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Latest troubleshoots during update to Joomla! 3.8 (Updating…)

1/ Problem with SP Page Builder admin menu module after update

If you see BLANK via Error 500, or with this details error “Fatal error: Call to undefined method JAdminCssMenu::addChild() in /[joomla-root]/administrator/modules/mod_sppagebuilder_admin_menu/tmpl/default_enabled.php on line 16″

SOLUTION? => This is problem with SP Page Builder admin menu module, you can fix it by temporary by go to this directory [joomla-root]/administrator/modules/, and rename folder “mod_sppagebuilder_admin_menu” to “mod_sppagebuilder_admin_menu__”.

Notice: This is just temporary fix, SP Page Builder author got this report and will have patch update for next time.

2/ Problem with Editor during update

SOLUTION? => If you see error with Editor for JCE or MCE, try to fix it by run Editor update and recheck.

We’re still updating all problems that we collected in this post, please bookmark this post to get update!

It’s time to prepare with update Joomla 3.8!

The upcoming Joomla 3.8 is getting really close. Shall we get something ready to have a wonderful greetings with it? In this article, we will share with you friends things we should do to get our site ready to be upgrade to the newest version. Some quick solutions in case you face with miss-steps during upgrade process are shared below as well.

Are you using the old Joomla version?

If you are going to skip the recent version and upgrade directly to the latest version, you will face with many compatible problem, so it is not a good decision. The priority thing is checking if you are on the latest stable version or not. If you are not, you should update it first (Joomla 3.7.5).

Checking technical requirements

Thing to do next is checking Joomla 3.8 technical requirements. Make sure you are at least on the suggested version of PHP, database server (MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL), web server (Apache, Nginx, Microsoft IIS) etc. Besides, contacting your hosting provider is needed to apply those requirements on your server.

Making a local copy for your site

We highly suggest you downloading your site, get it locally and use this version in order to keep your site live one unharmed from any incompatibility which may happen during upgrade process. In case your site is too large, let’s setup a Joomla instance which matches to the live version, install all the template and extensions, plugins on the local test one. Now you can start upgrading smoothly.

First extensions, second Joomla

“Before upgrading it is important to update all of your third party extensions and also to take and test a full backup of your site” – according to Joomla official documents 

You need to update extensions, plugins, templates before updating Joomla to keep your site away from troubles of incompatibility.

Checking extensions, templates locally

Updating local site to Joomla 3.8 is the next step after updating extensions, plugins and templates. Let’s take a look around on your local environment to make sure all of those are adapting well with the newest Joomla. If an incompatibility occurs, contact to in-charge developer to fix it.

Make a backup of full live website

If all the tests work well on local experiments with Joomla 3.8, it’s time to get ready to upgrade on your live site. Make a complete backup before starting process, then follow the procedure.

The last checklist for the new upgrade

  • Made a backup
  • Achieved all technical requirements
  • Updated to the recent Joomla version 3.7.5
  • Updated extensions, templates, plugins

Upgrade to Joomla 3.8

When the above checklist is done, let’s get start upgrading Joomla 3.8. A notification to update will be shown up on your Joomla Control Panel when the new version is available. Just simply click it to process the upgrade and enjoy wonderful new features of Joomla 3.8.

That’s all we want to share with you today for getting a full preparation to get great experience without any obstacle with Joomla 3.8. Thank you so much for reading! If you have any question for this article as well as problem in upgrading, please feel free to contact us here, we will reply as soon as possible.


We’re Digital Content Marketing team from AgeThemes Marketplace. We provide quality content for everyone who using open source CMS like Joomla and WordPress. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free leave your comment, we happy to assist you asap.

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