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Taking the credibility of your website with the assistant of a useful WordPress Gutenberg Logo!

How is the WordPress Gutenberg Logo beneficial for your site?

As you know, there are a lot of useful tools on the internet that allows you to display clients’ logos on your site. However, using WordPress Gutenberg Logo plugins is viewed as an excellent way to boost strong credibility. In addition, these plugins also enable you to display a collection of beautiful logos with different styles.  Thanks to that, you can earn the trust of your visitors at the first sight. As a result, the more customers’ logos you have, the more visitors believe that your company is trustworthy. For mentioned advantages, don’t hesitate to explore the collection of powerful WordPress Gutenberg Logo Plugins below.

GS Logo Slider

GS Logo Slider

The outstanding plugin in today’s collection is GS Logo Slider. This plugin adds your customers’ logos and then displays any areas on your site. In addition, it enables you to change the logo image size to match your theme design. Moreover, it supports a lot of page builders such as Gutenberg, Elementor, WPBakery, Divi Builders, and Genesis Framework.



With hundreds of installs, CoBlocks is considered one of the effective WordPress Gutenberg Logo Plugins that enables you to add a lot of your customers’ logos, brands and then display them in a row. In addition, you can use many available options to help you change the color, width, size and much more.

Editor Blocks for Gutenberg

Editor Blocks for Gutenberg

Editor Blocks for Gutenberg is a great idea for your website to present a list of clients’ logos in a row. In addition, you can adjust a number of brands. Moreover, if you want to change the order of brands, this plugin completely allows you to do that. Additionally, it also includes other efficient features such as team member block, callout block, hero block, and much more.

WP Logo Showcase Responsive Slider

WP Logo Showcase Responsive Slider

WP Logo Showcase Responsive Slider gives you a lot of styles that you can choose from to showcase a list of customers’ logos in different formats. You can freely present your Business partner’s logos with a Logo gallery, or display sponsors logos by using a logo ticker. Moreover, there are many useful features to support your displaying logos such as slider sliding speed, autoplay interval, navigation, Slide columns for logo slider, and much more.

Easy Blocks

Easy Blocks

Easy Blocks is designed with plenty of blocks such as row and columns block, alert or notification, author profile or box block, call to action, and much more. And the most amazing block is the logo slider block which allows you to showcase tons of clients’ logos with an eye-catching look.  Moreover, you are able to add titles and descriptions for the logos.

WE Blocks

WE Blocks

We Blocks is specially built for Gutenberg Editor. It comes with a wide range of slider blocks, so it is not hard for you to add multiple customers’ logos and showcase them as a slider. In addition, it enables you to increase and decrease the spacing between slides. Furthermore, you can use it to show Post-Author, Publish date, and much more.


To sum up, although each plugin also has some drawbacks, we believe that the advantages of each plugin absolutely outweigh its disadvantages. Hopefully, this article brings a lot of treasured ideas to help you easily display clients’ logos on your site. In addition, if you are keen on modern, beautiful themes and templates, let’s visit our free WordPress Theme to refer to more impressive designs for your site.

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