Any more Joomla 4 great changes and features will be revealed?
A few days ago, Joomla Official has announced about Joomla 3.9 and Joomla 3.10 release plan, and they will be the last version of the 3.x branch, so we can see that the release day of Joomla 4 is no longer far away. From earlier blogs, we have discussed new main features of Joomla 4, however, it would never be enough for Joomla fans to discover more! So today article will discuss more about Joomla 4 untold features and changes, let’s check to see if there’s something amazing for you!
Remove Packages
Joomla 4 will be equipped with a large number of refactored libraries, however, Log (unless you’re able to use PSR-3 compatible logging package) and Compat packages will be removed from the framework completely.
Joomla users also need to get to know about potential issues of Joomla 4 backward compatibility before release day of it, you can check the list here.
PHP MySQL Extension
Joomla 4 will not support PHP MySQL extension anymore because of PHP 7 requirement. When Joomla doesn’t use the MySQLi extension or MySQL PDO Driver, database connection will not be created because they’re only supported since PHP version 5.3.
The usage of Joomla Framework Packages
Besides the Joomla 4 version updates, Joomla framework also gets an update as well. Both new console package and renderer have been added to the framework, while some other packages got refactored. These changes of framework usage will make Joomla site run more smooth than it was before.
Refactor the Event Management System
It is absolutely possible for us to have a new Joomla version with more stable event management as one of the main purposes of Joomla development team when building Joomla 4.
Service Container for Global Dependency Management/Injection
Dependency Injection controls objects construction and life cycle. This feature will be provided in Joomla 4 to provide applications with a simple IoC Container.
A new Framework Agnostic Web Components
The adoption rate of the framework agnostic web components (developed with the new W3C standard) is still small although it helps to avoid time-consuming and testing requirements. This feature is going to be introduced soon in Joomla 4, read more about it here.
Joomla Framework 2.x
Framework 1.x is now out of date and replaced by Framework 2.0. This is the first release of Joomla Framework, it will support PHP 7, contain new library packages, also, previously deprecated functionality removed.
Framework 2.0 Main features:
- New Console package to build command line applications
- New rendering package to render templates with many well-known PHP libraries
- Refactored packages.
– Router package, Session package, the Cache package support PSR-6 and PSR-6 caching interfaces
– Dependency Injection package includes support for the PSR-11 container interface
– HTTP package supports PSR-7 Requests/Responses.
That’s all of today article for revealing more changes and features of Joomla 4 which may be useful for you!
Thank you so much for reading! If you have any relating question, feel free to let us know by leaving a comment below, we will reply as soon as possible!
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