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This article will propose a Collection of 9 Beneficial Gutenberg WordPress Accordion Plugin In 2021 to help you create countless collapse sections in your WordPress sites. Check it out!

Why should your site need Gutenberg WordPress Accordion Plugin?

The main reason that we highly recommend Gutenberg WordPress Accordion Plugin for your site is that it not only helps you generate beautiful accordions but also gives you chance to customize the look and feel of it easily. That means you can showcase a lot of content in a limited space smartly, making it easy for you to present older content and allow your customers to access them easily. On top of that, these plugins work well with Gutenberg, so you are able to improve your site editor capability significantly.

Top Nice Gutenberg WordPress Accordion Plugin

Ultimate FAQ

Ultimate FAQ

One of the must-see Gutenberg WordPress Accordion Plugin in this list is Ultimate FAQ. With the great support from Gutenberg block and shortcode, it is possible for you to present your FAQs wherever on your site. Besides, it also lets you create as many FAQ tags and categories according to your own demands smoothly. Furthermore, by using this plugin, you are able to get the best out of its fully responsive interface, and other stand-out features.


  • Create unlimited FAQs
  • Bulk import FAQs from a spreadsheet
  • Insert custom CSS to style your FAQ layout
  • And much more

PublishPress Blocks

PublishPress Blocks

Secondly, PublishPress Blocks helps you to build up your site that is based on Gutenberg in some simple steps. By using this plugin, you can make the most of its extra blocks that offer the accordion block to generate stunning accordions. In detail, this plugin will give you powerful assistance to design ample impressive and attractive accordions without writing any line of code.


  • 20+ extra Gutenberg WordPress blocks
  • 100% responsive
  • Great support

Helpie FAQ

Helpie FAQ

Thirdly, with an aim to support users to make remarkable accordions, Helpie FAQ is designed. By using this plugin, you are able to both create and edit the accordion and FAQs appearance to fit your WordPress theme. Furthermore, Helpie FAQ also empowers you to present FAQs in the Toggle or Accordion-style with categories and tags. Last but not least, it is compatible with both Gutenberg Editor, Elementor, widget, and shortcode.


  • Display Popular and Recently Added/Updated FAQs
  • Drag & Drop sorting of FAQs in Groups
  • Adds URL attribute for FAQs
  • And so on

Accordion and Accordion Slider

Accordion and Accordion Slider

Accordion and Accordion Slider comes with a fully responsive and touch-enabled design for WordPress users to take full advantage in terms of building accordion. Besides, it is also a good idea for those who are keen on showcasing content in accordion and slider format. Other features of this theme are Gutenberg compatibility and browsers integration.


  • Pagination
  • External link
  • Strong Support
  • And much more



Another must-have Gutenberg WordPress Accordion Plugin in this collection is Gutentor. This plugin offers the Accordion Module to assist you to design and display several collapsible elements on your site at ease. Besides, with the great support of the accordion body, you enable to stick any item of Gutentor depending on your business purposes with no coding requirement. On top of that, you obtain chances to customize plenty of elements of the accordion, too.


  • Fast-loading
  • Highly Responsive and SEO friendly
  • JS/CSS Framework

Lightweight Accordion

Lightweight Accordion

You can use Lightweight Accordion to implement collapse items anywhere in your posts with the support of shortcode and Gutenberg. This plugin doesn’t require any javascript for installation because it is built based on the HTML tag and a few lines of CSS. Also, you can customize various options of your accordion designs such as titles, orders, etc.


  • Extremely lightweight
  • Customizable
  • Easy to use

Kadence Blocks

Kadence Blocks

Kadence Blocks is a wonderful collection of Gutenberg blocks, which is also the next Gutenberg WordPress Accordion Plugin that we want to highlight. By using this plugin, you are able to make unlimited accordions without any difficulties. And, the most outstanding features of this theme are that each accordion’s pane will have many other blocks, custom title styles, and much more.


  • Intelligent Load
  • Responsive Controls
  • Configurable Defaults
  • And so on



Accordions will serve you to produce countless accordions, FAQs, and other forms of style in no time. On the ground of that, you can present your content regardless of time and size on your WordPress site logically. Plus, it also offers you opportunities to modify colors, icons, font size, and other factors in your own way.


  • Unlimited Accordion & Tabs
  • Display via Shortcode
  • Import 3rd party plugin data
  • And so on

Premium Blocks for Gutenberg

Premium Blocks for Gutenberg

Premium Blocks for Gutenberg is another useful Gutenberg WordPress Accordion Plugin for you to improve Gutenberg editor ability and produce accordions. This plugin is the perfect solution for those who are looking up for a plugin to support them show off massive information in a small space. Additionally, it also provides you chances to organize and display separated content in parted tabs.


  • RTL and translation-ready
  • Gutenberg compatible
  • Great support
  • And many more


Here’s the list of 9 Beneficial Gutenberg WordPress Accordion Plugin In 2021. We’ll be glad to respond to any question that you are facing about Gutenberg WordPress Accordion Plugin. So, feel free to leave a comment below.

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