About the Download

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ET Shoes is a free eCommerce website template for Shoes Joomla Template. Shoes Joomla Template based on Bootstrap CSS grid layout, SP Page Builder for layout, Shortcode for presenting content easily, Support Font Awesome. The shoe template is integrated with Hikashop and may display products using 8 available views. Responsive Shoes Joomla Template is well-suited for those developers who envision themselves having both fluid-width and adaptive website that caters to any possible screen resolution. This means that every single responsive template seamlessly serves different media formats and devices people use to enter the website that is based on this template. After that, it comes with 8 color styles and a boxed layout helping to create perfect websites with various layouts. You want a website that is easy to navigate, so that your customer’s experience is positive, encouraging them to return.


Fully Responsive Layout

ET Shoes Website template builds with a fully responsive layout based on Bootstrap CSS. It has a special built-in design optimized for modern mobile devices iPhone, Android, and Windows Mobile-based.


8 Layout Color Styles

ET Shoes supports 8 color styles helping to create gorgeous websites with various layouts. Besides, the template comes with a flexible homepage which includes a boxed and full-width layout. You can see the demo via Template Site Tool on the demo site. It’s also easy to extend color styles.


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