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Contact form is a necessary tool that can help you to contact your customers. The new JB contact extension is generated based on the information and fields of the core Joomla contact component and the labels which are shown by the JB Contact extension are a part of the core Joomla contact component. Our tutorial today is relevant to this part of your site that introduces you to how to change or translate the contact component text strings. Let’s follow your introduction below!

 1: First, let log in Joomla admin panel and go to Extensions, choose Language Manager and click on Overrides.

language overrides 1

 2: Press on the green New button.

new button

 3: Use a search input to find out either a “Value” or “Language Constant”. A language string usually includes 2 parts: a particular language constant and its value.


 4:  Click on “Value” in the search option.

5: If you want to alter the “Name” label text string, search your wanted name into the search input and then click on the Search button.

search 1

6:  Click COM_CONTACT_CONTACT_EMAIL_NAME_LABEL > Name  in the list showing on the screen

7: In the Edit Override area, replace the text area content as required.

change text 1

8: Repeat the step above for the Text column including Your email, Your Message, and Subject

This step allows you to change all the text string label which are used by JB Contact extension.

a text string list

9: Now let double-check the JB Contact module to ensure that your changes have successfully applied to the form labels.


Thank you for reading! If you have any queries or problems when changing your Joomla Contact Form Field, do not hesitate to leave a comment below. We will try to answer you quickly.

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