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Joomla! is an open source platform which enables you to build websites and powerful online applications. Joomla is used all over the world to power websites of all shapes and sizes. Joomla is currently available as evidenced by a vibrant and growing community of friendly users and talented developers.  So Joomla is constantly evolving and upgrades.


New features Joomla 3.6 is built more complex database queries with new database query classes, improved storage of dynamic Javascript  variables, adds an option for reinstall  Joomla’s core files, overwriting any modified file and reverting back to them default  position and many other new features  such as:

All Menu Items is improved will bring  you the new option to show all items from all menus gives you a quick overview of what is displayed where on your website, it has never been easier for you an overview of all the menus on your website.

Menu Type ACL allow you to give or block certain user access to a specific menu and therefore also all menu items of that menu.

Sub Form Field give you some extra functionality next to repeatable fields and now you can nest Extensible Markup Language(XML) forms inside each other or reuse your existing forms inside your current form.

Create Categories On The Fly: You’ve used previous versions of Joomla and you feel frustrated when you can not create a new item or a certain category. But with Joomla 3.6’s frustrating thing that you will no longer. By Joomla 3.6 now lets you create a category on the fly for articles, contacts, newsfeeds and banners.

To get full list of the features in Joomla! 3.6, let’s visit GitHub Repository.
Right now, we tested with all our Free Onepage Joomla templates for Joomla! 3.6 and confirmed that template framework and extension build-in support this version.
However, we should wait for next release 3.6.1 (or higher version) to keep standard version for new Joomla! improves/features before update.

From AGETHEME’s Technical Team

We're Content Marketing team from AgeThemes with 10+ years in open source and tech. Our mission is to deliver high-quality content tailored for users of open source CMS platforms, including Joomla and WordPress. We strive to empower our audience with valuable insights and resources to enhance their digital experiences.
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