About the Download

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If you are researching a modern and customizable template to bring a new life to your travel news website, AT Traveler is exactly what you need. It is a Joomla 4 responsive template, built on the powerful Bootstrap CSS framework. With SP Page Builder and Helix Ultimate Framework integrated, you’ll have access to stylish, professional designs, enabling you to create beautiful pages quickly and easily. In addition to the stunning designs, this template also includes useful features such as Font Awesome, Off-Canvas Menu, Custom CSS/JS Code Fields, Article Formats, Social Comments and more. You’ll have full control over the look and feel of your website, without needing to write any complex code. Thanks to it, you’ll have all the tools you need to showcase the traveling news, keep your website visitors engaged and coming back for more. So, don’t hesitate to lose your visitors in a magical travel atmosphere and make your website stand out among competitive sites with AT Traveler Joomla template!

at traveler MacBook ltheme

AT Traveler is packed with modern and customizable designs tailored to your requirements using SP Page Builder and Helix Ultimate Framework. That’s why you are effectively able to design your site in your own way and display numerous updated traveling news on it.

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With AT Traveler, you can share your travel knowledge, tips and guides, and promote traveling stories through your blog page. You are in complete control of how your blog looks; from post titles and content to the overall style, every detail is customizable.

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Thanks to AT Traveler Joomla Template, you have the advantage of building a contact page that will allow your visitors to contact you easily and in a short time. It allows your visitors to access information like your address, email address, phone number, and other important contact details.

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AT Traveler Website template builds with fully responsive layout based on Bootstrap CSS. It has special built-in design optimized for modern mobile devices iPhone, Android and Windows Mobile-based.

at traveler Responsive Mockup