About the Download

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AT Fire Onepage is a landing page of AT Fire Joomla Template. This responsive single-page template is a fantastic idea for firefighter websites. Created based on Helix Ultimate Framework combined with SP Page Builder, this one-page template is promised to help you deal with trouble related to site building without much technical knowledge requirements. There are a lot of helpful features available for you to design your site, for example, Custom 404 Page, Offline Page, Custom CSS/JS Code fields, Animation menu, Advanced Layout Manager, Font Awesome, Off-Canvas Menu, Advanced Typography Options, etc. What’s more? Whenever you need to blow a new fresh air to your site with another color style, AT Fire Onepage coming with a multi-color feature won’t let you down. Therefore, you can smoothly add content and showcase all the fire services on a professional website to effectively increase the traffic. Is it interesting? Check out the demo now!

At Fire MacBook ltheme

AT Fire Onepage is simple, clean looking template designed mainly for new business websites. It’s easy to custom and edit content via convenient template parameters.


AT Fire Onepage builds with fully responsive layout based on Bootstrap CSS. It has special built-in design optimized for modern mobile devices iPhone, Android and Windows Mobile-based.
