About the Download

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Are you providing various payment gateway services which helps collecting payments from clients become not time-consuming and stressful anymore? If yes, AT Paygit WordPress Theme is a great recommendation for you and other payment gateway agency as well. It’s 100% compatible with Elementor. That’s why your site is always engaging no matter what devices your customers use. Besides that, thanks to Elementor Page Builder and a powerful framework, the site modification and design is not complicated for you to complete. Plus, it comes with a color picker tool so you can easily change the look for your website. As a result, you are freely able to showcase all the payment solutions you are offering to conquer more potential customers and businesses. Let’s check out the demo now!

at paygit MacBook ltheme

AT Paygit comes with an elegant and modern design which is proper for payment gateway agencies or relevant businesses. Created based on Elementor Page Builder combined with numerous handy and customizable plugins, site building is just a simple and easy task for you to implement. Hence, it’s time for you to display the payment gateway services and much more on your site.

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If you wish to build an About Us page to offer your clients the necessary and vital information about your agency, AT Paygit will make you feel satisfied.

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AT Paygit also allows you to create a contact page, a blog page or a FAQ page without any difficulties. After that, you can freely offer your clients the information about contact methods, common questions and answers, and updated news on your site.

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AT Paygit Website template builds with fully responsive layout based on Bootstrap CSS. It has special built-in design optimized for modern mobile devices iPhone, Android and Windows Mobile-based.

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